The Inside Buzzzz Pigs Get Slaughtered as Lenders Go Bankrupt
By Tony Evans
Of the top 40 mortgage lenders, eight went bankrupt in 2007. So far this year just in California, Attorney General Jerry Brown has shut down seven bait-and-switch mortgage companies, including Lifetime Financial. Brown also has the name, address and phone numbers of more vultures who took advantage of California borrowers and the long fingers of the law may be coming your way. Get your one-way train ticket, pal!
For the uninitiated, hard money lenders form a group of private investors, who promise monthly interest payments as high as 12% to 14%. Naturally, you would never get that kind of deal at any bank or credit union, so you take the bait, and run to your nearest hard-money lender like a person who hasnt eaten in two weeks greenbacks in hand.
Youre taking a chance, of course, but usually this type of lender does offer some semblance of protection for your investment by ostensibly placing it in A-rated properties secured by real estate. From all appearances, your investments looked pretty rosy until last spring (2007) when things started a gentle nose dive. Sometimes youre the bug sometimes youre the windshield!
To compound the headache, new home builders, individuals and spec borrowers now find the door about an inch from being closed when it comes to banks and other lending outlets who used to say, “Cmon in, the moneys fine!” They may still have the cash but theyre not lending it out like the ole days. So, if youre looking for new construction funds, fuggeddaboudit!
Heres my question! Did I fire six shots or only .no, thats not right. Lets start again. Did you lose your 12% to 14% “monthly cash envelope” or was it stolen?
That brings up a sore subject for some of you private investors, who may find yourself holding the proverbial empty bag of “fat-as-a-lamb-chop” high interest payments you were pocketing when you invested with hard-money lenders, who provided builders, individuals and “spec” borrowers your hard earned cash. (They couldnt get it anywhere else).
They said it was a good deal, since it was secured by real estate. Now, in some areas, the money spigot that was spewing gold has dried up, and some owners of the hard-money offices have closed shop and are lounging on the beach in Cabo San Lucas, smoking a cigar and sipping a Mai-Tai hold the paper umbrella, waiter.
One hard-money lenders failure hit the central coast of California. Over 100 private money investors had placed their faith in a company called Estate Financial to the tune of about $650,000, and now the situation has mushroomed into a full-blown nightmare that has left developers unable to finish projects all over central California, and investors wondering if they will ever get any money back.
Naturally, the owners of Estate Financial blame the firms problems on the slow housing market and the national credit crisis exacerbated by troubled sub-prime loans. They further added that many of the unfinished projects may be refinanced (fat chance of that) or foreclosed. You wonder where all the money went, but you can be sure this company, much like many hard-money lenders, received their fees up front along with a servicing fee on the monthly paperwork.
Last I heard the investors hired a law firm, notified the area District Attorney, and filed complaints with the State of California Department of Real Estate and Department of Corporations. By now theres probably a sign on the glass front door of Estate Financial that reads: On Vacation. Yikes!
Here’s a warning for you HP readers who salivate at the thought of dumping your pension savings into a hard-money real estate construction deal thinking 12% to 14% is about as good as it gets. Use common sense and check things out. Coast to coast in this troubled market many lenders are on a death watch, so for now, put your money in a sock, and hide it behind a phony picture frame, where youll know where it is. Think: P.T. Barnum.
Published April 2, 2008