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Opinion Poll Shows 1 in 3 Afraid of Foreclosure
Date Released: 04/19/2010
Nearly one out of three homeowners are afraid of losing their home to foreclosure, according to a new Housing Predictor opinion poll. The survey demonstrates just how widespread worry over the U.S. economy and the real estate market is among Americans, and a lack of confidence in the way the country’s economy is going.
Poor mortgage lending practices and manipulative actions on Wall Street led to the foreclosure crisis, which has resulted in banks repossessing more than 7-million homes since the crisis began nearly three years ago.
Housing Predictor forecasts housing markets in all 50 U.S. states and regularly surveys visitors on issues hotly related to real estate. Get the full details on the new opinion poll visiting Housing Predictor dot com. The largest majority said they are not worried about losing their homes to foreclosure, apparently because they are secure about their employment and incomes.
Government efforts have begun to show improving conditions in some housing markets, but have not yet had a significant impact to slow the flood of foreclosures that have hit record numbers. Forecasts indicate that more than 9-million additional mortgage holders are at risk of losing their homes to foreclosure.
Home prices in some of the worst hit markets, including areas in California, Michigan, Ohio and Florida have seen a rise as a result of government incentives, low mortgage rates and lower home prices from the markets peak.
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