Happy Real Estate News Goes Mobile

A new mobile phone application is placing all of its emphasis on happy real estate news. The “Happy Real Estate News” application is a tool for real estate agents and brokers to show potential buyers and sellers that local markets are “not as bad as gloom and doom reports would have you believe,” according to the application’s maker.

Four features are included in the mobile phone package. The application will show the number of residential units sold in local markets, home values, the average sales price increase of homes sold and the number of days it takes to sell homes.

The iPhone application isn’t the first effort to turn the tide of discouraging housing news positive. Despite government efforts to stem the flood of foreclosures, homeowners are losing their homes at all-time record numbers. The National Association of Realtors has been leveled with criticism for its past forecasts that the housing market would continue to sustain strong home sales and home prices at record levels.

“You’ll see there’s very happy activity in many vibrant markets throughout North America,” says the “Reality” Website that offers the service to iPhone users. “By focusing on the good news and passing the message around we can help speed up the market recovery.”

The service is targeted at high-tech savvy users who market homes with the help of the Internet. “This section of our Website is a reality check based on actual facts on the ground. It is vital information you need to run your real estate business and educate your clients about the market in your area,” says the website.

The new application is only available to iPhone subscribers and requires iPhone OS 2.2.1 capability or higher with an active Internet connection.

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