Lucky 7 Investor Forecast
The “Lucky 7” best investor housing market forecasts for 2011 are made up of markets in six different states for investors willing to take a risk buying real estate to make a profit. Don’t worry the risk will be worth the wait!
All seven are already showing Housing Predictor analysts that they have the strength to recover in the face of a tough economy.
As America goes through the most massive economic transition since the Industrial revolution over the next several years, regional economies will be in for a battle. These seven will somehow forge ahead.
Housing Predictor provides the “Lucky 7” forecasts in response to strong consumer demands as a guide post for investors. Markets have been chosen from the nearly 240 local markets Housing Predictor forecasts.
We aren’t forecasting markets average housing inflation for the year yet. We’ll leave that up to the new forecasts issued for all the markets for 2011. But topping the list is Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where the market is already making headway.
Two California markets are next on the list, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Both are being aided by stronger home sales as a result of special state tax credits for home buyers. California historically has some of the most expensive home prices in the country, and nothing is going to change that.
Throughout the real estate crash Austin, Texas anchored by a high-tech community that little seems to stall is fourth on the list. Denver, Colorado where businesses are hiring more workers back is fifth, followed by the self-proclaimed Music Capital, Nashville, Tennessee. Fargo, North Dakota rounds out the seventh spot.