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The news releases posted here are for the use of news organizations, web site owners and bloggers, who want to keep their visitors up to date on the latest Housing Predictor news. They are provided here for you to copy and paste on to your online web sites and for the use of other off-line news organizations.
Housing Forecast to Improve in 2010
Release date: 11/18/09
Housing Predictor is forecasting that housing markets will improve in 2010 and others will sustain lower average losses in home values. The new national forecast for deflation is the lowest average since the real estate downturn began nearly four years ago.
Markets will be aided by the federal government’s extension and expansion of the federal tax credit and other government actions. The full national forecast may be found at Housing Predictor dot com.
On going problems in the mortgage market and slow government response to the crisis complicate a recovery in housing, contributing further price deflation in home values in the worst hit areas. Markets in California, Florida and Nevada are among the most heavily affected, where there are record foreclosures.
The housing crash has sent home prices lower by an average of at least 30%, and in some of the worst hit urban U.S. areas home prices have dropped as much as 75%. The devaluation has been attributed to loose lending guidelines by bankers, mortgage fraud and an appetite on Wall Street to claim record profits, triggering a history making epidemic of foreclosures.
Housing Predictor was the first real estate research firm to forecast the foreclosure epidemic and the housing depression. Housing Predictor forecasts more than 250 local real estate markets in all 50 states, real estate news, and offers analysis on housing markets at
Poll Shows Congress Will Fail in Economic Crisis
Release date: 11/17/09
An over-whelming majority say Congress and other government policy makers will fail in their attempt to get the U.S. economy back on track and halt the foreclosure epidemic, according to a new Housing Predictor poll.
The survey found that the majority of those surveyed believe government attempts to stop the foreclosure crisis will fall short. The poll clearly indicates that Americans have lost confidence in Congressional leaders to solve the nation’s # 1 economic problem, which triggered the worst recession since at least the Great Depression. Get full details of the survey at Housing Predictor dot com.
Foreclosures compose the majority of home and condo sales nationally. Nearly 6-million adjustable rate mortgages will reset through 2010 and the over-whelming majority will be unable to refinance under current underwriting guidelines. As a consequence, millions of additional homes will go into foreclosure and provide an inventory of property to be sold at bargain prices, compounding problems in housing markets.
The repeal of the law enacted during the Great Depression to straighten out the economy took lobbyists almost a quarter of a century to have abolished, resulting in the worst real estate crisis the country has ever experienced. Housing values have fallen at record rates.
Housing Predictor forecasts more than 250 local housing markets in all 50 states. Check your market forecast, get the latest real estate news and search foreclosures at
Housing Predictor Expands Real Estate News
Release date: 11/09/09
Housing Predictor is expanding its real estate news coverage on the housing market with thousands of news organizations. The online real estate research company has expanded its section on real estate news and added a new section on housing news.
Thousands of new sources contribute reports to coverage from outlets all over the web. Housing Predictor forecasted the real estate crisis and the foreclosure epidemic before any other real estate research firm, and forecasts local housing market futures.
Troubled real estate markets are experiencing times not witnessed since the Great Depression even as some areas of the country begin to climb out of their downturns. The credit crunch started on Wall Street turned the housing market into a mess, but stabilizing factors are demonstrating improvements.
The root of the nation’s economic problems is the foreclosure epidemic, which Housing Predictor forecast three years ago. More than 4-million homes have been foreclosed since the economic crisis began, and at least another 6-million properties are forecast to be foreclosed in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
After nearly five years of record setting housing appreciation throughout the country, markets began their slowdown more than four years ago.
Many of the nation’s largest investment houses, mortgage companies, banks and real estate firms consult Housing Predictor forecasts. Housing Predictor forecasts more than 250 local real estate markets in all 50 states and offers real estate news, and analysis on the housing market at
Survey Shows Optimism in Housing
Release date: 11/03/09
Despite fallout from the financial crisis, homeowners are still fairly mobile about their living arrangements. More than 2 out of 3 say they plan on living in their homes less than nine years, according to a new survey.
The new Housing Predictor Poll found that despite growing anxiety about the national economy, homeowners and renters plan on moving fairly soon. Some 32% said they are planning on a move within the next 12 months. Another combined 36% say they intend to move within the next nine years.
The survey indicates that Americans’ attitudes about moving into new quarters remain nearly the same as they have been over the last two decades. The average length of homeownership was seven years prior to the real estate boom. Read the full report on the latest Predictor Poll at Housing Predictor dot com.
The housing crash in the majority of U.S. markets has sent home prices lower by at least 30%, and in some of the worst hit areas home prices have dropped by as much as 75% on individual homes. The loss in home values has been attributed to loose lending guidelines adopted by lenders and other practices during the boom, triggering a history making epidemic of foreclosures.
Housing Predictor was the first real estate research firm to forecast the foreclosure epidemic and the national housing depression. Housing Predictor forecasts more than 250 local real estate markets in all 50 states, real estate news, and analysis on the housing markets at
* For previous Housing Predictor news releases see our archived page.