Washington Woman Wins Ugly Contest

A small town Washington state woman has won the first prize in the ugliest room contest sponsored by a website that is putting a whole new face on ugly homes in America.

They’re trying their hardest to find the ugliest rooms in the nation, and there doesn’t seem to be any shortage of contestants in these days of economic hard times. Competitors from all over the U.S. vied for the monthly prize, and few seemed to have much trouble proving they had an ugly room to offer up in the competition.

Shealynn Reuther of Wapato, Washington won the award for her “ugly bathroom,” on which a panel voted to select the room from a field of contestants. The competition began last month with users submitting videos of their damaged and sometimes out right near condemnable rooms. The competition has now been expanded to accept still color photographs uploaded to the site, which is the National Fix and Flip Network.

Reuther won the monthly contest for her drab water damaged bathroom, and is happy to get the $2,500 prize awarded every month to contest winners. Monthly winners from throughout the year will compete for a $50,000 cash grand prize award next February. “I’m very excited to finally be able to complete the remodeling of my ugly water-damaged bathroom,” said Reuther.

Eric Dale

TV personality Eric Dale, who may be seen on the CW network hosting his program “Homework” weekly, leads the final contest judging panel. “The Fix My Ugly Room Contest offers great prizes and creates a sense of community for anyone interested in home renovations, remodeling and making the most of their investment,” said Dale.

The National Fix and Flip Network provides information on home buying, supplying resources for consumers interested in flipping property, home improvement tips, how-to-guides, discounts and thousands of do it yourself videos.

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