Graveyards of the Housing Bust By Mike Colpitts They are littered from coast to coast and do not discriminate. Zombie subdivisions and housing developments are scattered across the nation like nothing since the Great Depression. They are the wreckage of failed developments and urban sprawl gone mad during the real estate boom, left to rot… Continue reading Graveyards of the Housing Bust are Zombie Developments
Category: Credit
Forecasting the Bottom of the Housing Market
As the U.S. government attempts to repair the broken capitalistic system and come up with a full housing rescue plan, hopes rise that the troubled market will recover from the worst economic housing depression in history. The bottom of housing market price deflation is now forecast by Housing Predictor to develop in the final quarter… Continue reading Forecasting the Bottom of the Housing Market
Surge in Multiple Offers Sparks Markets
By John Hines Economist A surge in multiple offers to buy homes is sweeping the country and pumping up home sales. The Obama administration’s housing plan is beginning to make an impact from Fort Meyers Beach, Florida to the Great Lakes all the way across to hard hit California. In Sacramento, California where the housing… Continue reading Surge in Multiple Offers Sparks Markets
Happy Housing Times in College Towns
By Kevin Chiu They’re not known for being real estate hot beds, but small college towns have been recognized by real estate investors for being the rare exception in economic downturns for decades. San Luis Obispo, California and Auburn, Alabama deep in the heart of Dixie are an unlikely pairing that illustrates exceptions in America’s… Continue reading Happy Housing Times in College Towns
Negativity Eases as the Bubble Pops
By John Hines Economist As financial bubbles pop negativity eases. The negative feed back loop in economics goes like this: Negative feedback begets negative feedback and the economy worsens. When people think things are bad they reinforce the idea that the economy is bad and then spend less, scrimp and save and the economy worsens.… Continue reading Negativity Eases as the Bubble Pops
Preparing for the Next Real Estate Boom
By Mike Colpitts All economic downturns have their own identifiers. Mega-sized government bailouts are intended to produce a return of powerful market forces, and this economic recession has more than a large chance of turning into an economic depression. But for all of its failures this current financial crisis is taking on its own powerful… Continue reading Preparing for the Next Real Estate Boom
Foreclosures May Top 12 Million
As many as 12-million more homes could be in jeopardy of foreclosure in the nation’s growing foreclosure epidemic, which accounts for nearly 1 out of 12 homes. The rise in homeowners at risk has resulted from the senate’s failure to pass a bill forcing “cram downs” in bankruptcy courts. The senate’s decision came on a… Continue reading Foreclosures May Top 12 Million
Tracking the Housing Recovery
By Mike Colpitts Editor America has a history of working in emergency mode, and damage control has been the government’s biggest over hang. Hearing government officials talk it’s as if we didn’t know an economic calamity triggered by the housing crisis had been developing for years until just a few months ago. Now with the… Continue reading Tracking the Housing Recovery
How to Buy a Home in the New Economy
By John Hines So you’ve searched the Internet day and night — Looked at hundreds of homes for sale — Filled out the forms at the bank to get pre-qualified only to find out that they won’t give you a mortgage. Perhaps your credit score isn’t high enough to fit into the underwriter’s new higher standards.… Continue reading How to Buy a Home in the New Economy
Steering out of this Messy Economic Place
By Mike Colpitts Editor As America makes inroads to get out of this messy economic place whether it be a deepening economic recession or an economy in depression, Housing Predictor takes a new road offering all the insight we can to help steer us out of this mess. Technically, whether we face another economic… Continue reading Steering out of this Messy Economic Place