U.S. Real Estate Market Rebound

Recovery Forecast Not Until 2011 The U.S. real estate market will take at least three years to recover from its massive slump and it won’t fully rebound from the mortgage mess until at least some time in 2011, Housing Predictor forecasts. Housing Predictor analysts forecast the overall U.S. economy will suffer from a recession as… Continue reading U.S. Real Estate Market Rebound

Housing Predictor Opinion Poll Results

Huge Majority Want Government to Stay Out of Foreclosure Crisis Despite the strong likelihood that it would develop a full-fledged economic depression, more than 3 out of 4 polled say they want the U.S. government to stop interfering with the foreclosure crisis and allow it to run its course. A huge 78% of those surveyed… Continue reading Housing Predictor Opinion Poll Results

Foreclosures Increasing on Home Equity Losses

Home equity losses are increasing the number of foreclosures as millions of Americans are becoming upside down in their houses, and more are joining the ranks daily. Being upside down in your house can be a nightmare. More homeowners are finding themselves in this precarious position, and by growing numbers homeowners are walking away from… Continue reading Foreclosures Increasing on Home Equity Losses

National Real Estate Prices Forecast to Deflate Further

Scrambling to find a bottom, the U.S. real estate market is falling further and further in most areas of the country. Home prices nationally will deflate an average of more than 8% in 2008, according to the Housing Predictor forecast. The real estate crisis, triggered by an over supply of new creative financing programs and… Continue reading National Real Estate Prices Forecast to Deflate Further

Mortgage Flu Hits Real Estate

As home foreclosures increase daily weakening real estate markets a new world flu has struck. The subprime crisis evolved into the national housing crisis only to become the mortgage flu. Some 89 percent of people surveyed by Housing Predictor blame mortgage companies for artificially inflating the housing market by selling too many mortgages to those… Continue reading Mortgage Flu Hits Real Estate

Housing Recession or Worst U.S. Economic Disaster Likely

The nation’s mortgage melt down has evolved into America’s real estate crisis amid falling home prices, record foreclosures and weakening consumer confidence and threatens to produce the nation’s worst economic disaster in history, a Housing Predictor study reveals. The catastrophic damage could be so widespread that the crisis could reach $600 billion in losses to… Continue reading Housing Recession or Worst U.S. Economic Disaster Likely

U.S. Decision Adds 750,000 Foreclosures

By Kevin Chiu The decision of the Obama Administration’s chief housing czar to reject principal mortgage reductions to underwater homeowners at risk of foreclosure is another blow to the U.S. housing market, and will result in at least 750,000 additional foreclosures, according to a Housing Predictor analysis. The heated debate over forgiving mortgage principal is… Continue reading U.S. Decision Adds 750,000 Foreclosures

Interest Deduction & Short Sale Amnesty Likely

By Mike Colpitts Amnesty on federal taxes for short sales and continuing the mortgage interest deduction are among a package of laws expected to be approved by Congress effecting more than 30-million U.S. homeowners before the end of the year. House majority leader Harry-Reid (D-NV) is being pushed by a group of senators to bring… Continue reading Interest Deduction & Short Sale Amnesty Likely