Maryland Housing And Real Estate Market Predictions Of 2018

Few states are as rich in history as Maryland. Just in case you are not familiar with this great state and/or with the Maryland housing market, you should know that this Mid-Atlantic state is bordered by many other places. It is close to Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. With so many beautiful… Continue reading Maryland Housing And Real Estate Market Predictions Of 2018

2015 Maryland Housing Market Predictions

Find out if you should invest in Maryland real estate in this post.

The past few years showcase how Maryland serves as an example of a place where the housing market predictions and forecasts aren’t a simple process. Looking back, the financial crisis shouldn’t have impacted a state with such a diversified employment market and strong job base. At least, the crisis shouldn’t have caused such a sever impact. In 2010, the… Continue reading 2015 Maryland Housing Market Predictions

2013 Maryland Housing Market

Expect to hear more sounds of new construction in Maryland in coming months. A recent report by Metrostudy, a national housing data and consulting firm, indicates there will likely be increases in new house construction in the near future. Much of the reason for that is rebounding employment. “The Baltimore MSA (metropolitan statistical area) saw… Continue reading 2013 Maryland Housing Market

Recovery in Best 25 Housing Markets

As the U.S. undergoes the most severe down turn in its housing markets since at least the Great Depression, at least 25 local markets are progressing through the transition forecast to experience housing price inflation during the remainder of 2011. Driven by a U.S. military realignment program and a robust local economy El Paso, Texas… Continue reading Recovery in Best 25 Housing Markets

2012 Maryland Housing Market

A busier housing market is developing in Maryland as home buyers shopping for deals pour out to find discounted properties. After years of decline, housing markets throughout most of the state are signaling signs of improvement even though better signs are from foreclosure sales and bank assisted short sales, which make up half of all… Continue reading 2012 Maryland Housing Market

Jumbo Mortgage Rates to Feel Little Impact

By Mike Colpitts Loan limits on jumbo mortgages are scheduled to be slashed as a result of changes required in the Housing and Economic Act of 2008. However, the impact is expected to be limited by many lenders. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) will reduce mortgage limits on loans in the highest metropolitan areas of… Continue reading Jumbo Mortgage Rates to Feel Little Impact

Real Estate Broker Pleads Guilty in Straw Buyer Scheme

By Mike Colpitts A former real estate broker pled guilty to fraud charges in relationship to a mortgage scheme that involved more than $12 million in mortgages, straw borrowers that operated over a course of seven years and real estate investors. The plea was entered after federal prosecutors worked out a deal with Alexander O.… Continue reading Real Estate Broker Pleads Guilty in Straw Buyer Scheme

HUD Launches Emergency Home Loans

By Mike Colpitts In a move that has been awaited more than a year, the Housing and Urban Development Department launched the Emergency Homeowners Loan Program to help unemployed homeowners at risk of foreclosure in 27 states. The program is slated to help only a small number of troubled homeowners during its life-span. The White… Continue reading HUD Launches Emergency Home Loans

Split Housing Market Bottom Forecast

By Kevin Chiu Divided by growing political unrest, a nation in economic turmoil and the reluctance of banks to lend to any but the best of mortgage worthy applicants in the current economy, the U.S. housing market is forecast to experience a split as some areas of the nation hit bottoms of the market and… Continue reading Split Housing Market Bottom Forecast

Shadow Inventory Falls 200,000 Homes

By Mike Colpitts The inventory of U.S. homes that have not yet been foreclosed but are in financial jeopardy recognized as the shadow inventory has declined by 200,000, according to real estate research firm Core Logic. The current residential shadow inventory is 1.8-million units, which represents a nine months supply of inventory at present sales… Continue reading Shadow Inventory Falls 200,000 Homes