Worst Housing Markets in 2009

The downward spiral in housing markets is showing signs of improving in many areas of the country as home sales rise, but there’s no shortage of double-digit losers in the Worst 25 Housing Markets selected by Housing Predictor in 2009. Without more government assistance don’t expect much more improvement. Detroit, Michigan takes the #1 position… Continue reading Worst Housing Markets in 2009

Hottest 10 Real Estate Buyers Markets in 2009

The hottest buyers housing markets are places you may find comfort in the worst housing crash since at least the Great Depression. The top 10 buyers markets listed by Housing Predictor at mid-year are markets that aren’t necessarily big arts and entertainment centers, mostly found in smaller communities. Amarillo, Texas takes the first position as… Continue reading Hottest 10 Real Estate Buyers Markets in 2009

Seismic Shift in U.S. Restrains Housing Market

By Kevin Chiu Consumer doubts over the banking system, political divisions in Washington, D.C., nagging high unemployment, a growth in the understanding among the U.S. population of political corruption and doubts about the economy are developing a seismic shift in the housing market. The shift has slowly been taking place for more than ten years,… Continue reading Seismic Shift in U.S. Restrains Housing Market

Double Digit Appreciation Threatens Recovery

By Mike Colpitts Double digit housing appreciation being experienced in some of what were the hardest hit U.S. housing markets threatens to de-stabilize prices, add to consumer doubts about the economy and threatens the housing recovery, according to an analysis of cities that have experienced wild appreciation over the past few months. Higher home values… Continue reading Double Digit Appreciation Threatens Recovery

Higher Home Values Forecast in 85 Cities

As the recovery of the U.S. housing market gains traction, higher home values are forecast to develop by the end of 2012 in 85 cities, according to Housing Predictor analysts. The upturn in home prices is especially evident in many of the hardest hit states. The growing trend of home price inflation is developing strongly… Continue reading Higher Home Values Forecast in 85 Cities

Formal Foreclosures Fall 21 Straight Months

By Mike Colpitts Formal foreclosures fell for the 21st straight month in July as repossessions on U.S. residential properties ran into additional snags. Lenders completed 53,654 foreclosures during the month, a 1% fall from June and a 21% drop from a year ago, according to RealtyTrac. Bank owned REO activity also fell on an annualized… Continue reading Formal Foreclosures Fall 21 Straight Months

Declining Foreclosures Bring Better Times

By Mike Colpitts Foreclosure activity declined 25% in the nation’s most populated state, California from one year ago in July, but the Golden State holds the distinction of having more foreclosures than any other. In fact the two highest foreclosure states, which are California and Arizona, are down in foreclosure filings. Nevada, which had been… Continue reading Declining Foreclosures Bring Better Times

Home Price Appreciation Jumps 2.5% for Year

By Mike Colpitts For the fourth straight month home values have increased in appreciation across the U.S., according to real estate research firm CoreLogic. Prices increased 2.5% in June compared to a year ago in the 100 largest metro areas the company tracks. On a month-over-month basis, including foreclosure and short sales, home price appreciation… Continue reading Home Price Appreciation Jumps 2.5% for Year

Recovery Heads to Higher Home Prices

By Ryan Jackson The U.S. housing recovery is moving into higher priced home markets as technology and newer industries pave the way for the nation’s future economic growth. The trend also demonstrates how some major cities that were once heavily populated are unlikely to recover much at all. The real estate crash has left huge… Continue reading Recovery Heads to Higher Home Prices